Nartanam - Vol V No. 1
Nartanam enters its fifth year of publication. We are proud that we could continue the Journal in spite of several impediments - not financial (though they are bound to be there as long we have defaulting or unwilling subscribers); but intellectual and creative.
It is sad to note that many performing artists do not take to writing. Those few that could, do not find the time. After all, writing on dance (for that matter, on anything) needs to think analytically and put it on paper logically !! If we are not analytical, we cannot even dance properly, since dance is interpreting what you think through different communication modules! So, if you think you can dance well if you think you can analyse your own, or someone else's dance performances, you can also write, review and criticize.
When performing arts become institutionalized, the need for such critical writing is all the more needed and urgent! Nartanam welcomes new critics and reviewers to contribute to it.
We, therefore, request our reviewers and critics to see that they avoid sending the same material to two channels of publication, thereby upholding the unwritten, but valid code of conduct in writing and publishing!!