Post Covid, work and finances at Nartanam have seen a sea change. However, we are trudging along to publish the journal, a commitment made in 2001 by our founding publisher, Garikipati Muralidhara Sarma and the founding editor, Modali Nagabhushana Sarma. We are proud that for more than two decades our quarterly issues were printed and read widely year after year and have been archived in important libraries across the world. We are happy to announce that Nartanam can now be read online. We will continue to publish the performance reviews on the digital format as well as the print format. ‘Arts and Culture’ is an important pillar of the Civil Society. The term brings to mind Guru C. R. Acharyulu. Quoting Mallika Sarabhai’s words in our special issue on Guru C. R. Acharyulu, would best do justice in commemorating the brave and sensitive soul of a civil society. Mallika narrated thus: “The year

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