A series of short stories with moral teachings for children. The storyline revolves around the child protagonist, Guddu.
Publisher: ePress
Author: ePress

Table Of Contents

Guddu Dreams for the First Time
A story for children - full of wisdom - in the eyes of Guddu, the protagonist.
Last updated on: Mar 2, 2021
Guddu and the New Boy
The second story in the series
Last updated on: Mar 12, 2021
Toys for All
The pleasure of sharing with others
Last updated on: Mar 20, 2021
Aunt Asha Visits Guddu
Guddu learned that solving things with violence was not a smart solution.
Last updated on: Mar 29, 2021
Guddu Reads a Scary Story
A short story in the ‘Guddu’ series.
Last updated on: Apr 8, 2021
Guddu Learns to Ride a Bike
Who does not like to ride a bike? This is how Guddu learns it.
Last updated on: Apr 19, 2021
A Magical Night - Guddu
How did Guddu and his friends have fun? Another story in the Guddu series.
Last updated on: Apr 29, 2021
A Gift for Mother
Guddu celebrates Mother's Day in his own style.
Last updated on: May 9, 2021
Guddu Encounters Nature
One day, Guddu was at home, a bit bored. He didn’t want to play with his toys or watch TV. “I am so bored!” said Guddu...
Last updated on: May 19, 2021
Guddu Learns to Save Money
Guddu was tiptoeing with his mother down a beautifully lit street...
Last updated on: Jun 12, 2021
Learning about Responsibilities
It was a beautiful morning at school; the atmosphere was full of joy because it was Friday...
Last updated on: Jul 9, 2021
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