Man in Khaki God’s Man

This book has been a continuous effort to enlighten the common belief of people and the Men in KHAKI to bring them to a common platform, as the same element of the Almighty GOD.
Subash Ch Mishra

Subash Ch Mishra, a man himself in Khaki, serving for Odisha Police since 1997, understands the bare necessity of the spiritual knowledge in personal and professional life of a “Man in Khaki”. Like a ice on cake, this work form him is a tribute for all those hard working, sincerer Police Men, Who devote their entire life-span serving for people, society and nations, here, he urges the necessity of understanding the spiritual path a Man in Khaki needs to follow in midst of his hectic life schedule.

This entire piece of work treatises KHAKI, being the best source of inspiration to lead life as a “Karma Yogi”.It describes, how a man in KHAKI can grow up as a Karma Yogi and later can attain the ultimate blessings of the Almighty.

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