Opendelight Application File Structure

The Opendelight reinforces the correct development paradigm through different prescriptions and architectural procedures. Having a clear directory and file structure is one of them. This creates a separation of business logic from UI design on one hand, and user development from Opendelight's upgrades and Opendelight IDE on the other. After installation, the Opendelight creates the following directory structure: 1. `/login`[^1] : This directory contains files structure as the following: `/index.php` - Login index file. `/sso.php` - Single Sign-On configuration file. [^1]: Directories with respect to the application root 2. `/osf`[^1] : This directory contains all files of the Opendelight IDE. You can even delete this directory after completing development, and that will not affect the running of your application in any way. Different types of files are stored in their own subdirectories like the following: `/data` - data files `/ide` - controller files `/install` - installation files `/lib` - The scripts and classes

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