How to Publish Your Poem Better in Batoi Hub
To create a top-level heading, you use the hash (#) symbol. One hash represents an h1, two an h2, and so on. This works through to a level 6 heading. Always put a space between the hash symbol and the name of the heading.
Example: # This is a (h1) tag
## This is a (h2) tag
###### This is a (h6) tag
To create paragraphs, use a blank line to separate the text. You don't need to add tabs or spaces between two paragraphs.
Line Breaks
To create a line break (br), end a line with two spaces, and press the Enter key.
You can add emphasis by making the text bold or italic or both.
To bold text, add two asterisks before and after a word or phrase.
Example: Today, **I** need you.
To italicize text, add one asterisk before and after a word or phrase.
Example: Today, *I* need you.
Bold and Italic
To emphasize text with bold and italics simultaneously, add three asterisks before and after a word or phrase.
Today, ***I*** need you.
Horizontal Line
To create a horizontal line, use three hyphens (---) on a line by themselves.